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Around Suannan / Snoring is dangerous! Check the risk "Sleep apnea"
« เมื่อ: มีนาคม 16, 2021, 04:33:19 pm »

Sleep is an slotxo important factor in many health care. People are often overlooked. Because in fact, we humans spend about one-third of our lives and getting enough sleep. Not just 8 hours a day But also a good night's sleep Sleep Disease Association of Thailand Thus educating people about the importance of sleep. Sleep apnea and danger signs of snoring Including encouraging people to pay attention to receive appropriate medical examinations

Obstructive sleep apnea Dangers that start from "snoring"
Female Dr. Nawarat Apirak Kittikul A medical professor at the Department of Otolaryngology at Ramathibodi Hospital said, “I have to say that there are a lot of people coming to consult about snoring. Which mostly comes with the idea that it is something that bother people who sleep Than thought it was a disease But in fact I must say Snoring is a warning sign of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), caused by snoring, can be caused by clogged upper respiratory tract, Tom silto glands, large tongue, swollen ear and nose membranes, long uvula. Slack neck or people who are overweight and with increasing age If left without treatment, it can cause sleep apnea. And results in hypoxia and complications that reduce sleep quality. Resulting in increased long-term adverse effects on the body Including high blood pressure, diabetes, dementia Symptoms: sexual dysfunction, hyperactivity, heart failure, arrhythmia. Including the risk of accidents due to opiates On average, snoring is more common in men than in women, because women of childbearing age contain more respiratory stimulating hormones than men.

People at risk of obstructive sleep apnea
Dr. Somprasong Treasure Medical Lecturer of the Department of Internal Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital stated that the study found in Thailand found that in the adult population of working age. Found the prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea patients. At 15.4% male and 6.3% female, while the United States. Up to 1 in 3 people in the adult population aged 40 years and over were diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea.

Risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea

Drink alcohol

Take some sleeping pills
PM 2.5 dust is also a catalyst to increase the rate of obstructive sleep apnea. This is because when the upper respiratory tract such as nasal mucosa is irritated and swollen, it will lead to obstructive airways while sleeping more easily. Irritation can also cause coughing, bronchitis, and recurrent asthma, which can lead to a decrease in sleep quality.

Check how much you are at risk for "obstructive sleep apnea"
Checking the primary symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea Notice that they are as follows

Is it male?

Is it overweight or not?

Is the neck circumference greater than 40 cm?

Have high blood pressure Or are you being treated for high blood pressure?

Have a congenital disease or not? (High blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, etc.)

Is snoring loud or not? (Louder than talking or loud enough to be heard outside the room)

Has anyone ever noticed that you stop breathing while you were asleep?

Woke up in the middle of the night with gasping for breath?

Do you still have daytime sleepiness even after getting enough sleep?

If most of them answered yes You should see your doctor for a thorough physical examination or you can do a Sleep Test for a more thorough examination. At a hospital near your home

Around Suannan / 4 benefits from "macadamia nuts" delicious and healthy
« เมื่อ: มีนาคม 15, 2021, 03:45:47 pm »

Macadamia Nuts Nuts taste sweet and creamy. That โหลดslotxo  has been popular to eat widely around the world. Whether to be eaten as a snack Put in the chocolate. Or made into ice cream Macadamia is not only outstanding in its delicious taste. It is also a nut that has a high nutritional value. And very good for health as well

Hello, the doctor will introduce you to "the miracle nut macadamia. Very beneficial for health "

Macadamia Nuts, the nutrient-rich king of nuts
Macadamia nuts are reputed to be the king of nuts. Because it is a nut that has a high nutritional value. Whether it is vitamins, minerals and especially good fats.

In 1 ounce of macadamia nuts, it provides the following nutritional values:

Energy 204 calories
23 g fat
2 g protein
4 grams carbohydrates
1 gram of sugar
Dietary fiber 3 g
Manganese 58% of the daily intake.
Thiamine 22% of the daily dose.
Copper 11% of the amount that should be received each day.
Magnesium 9% of the daily intake
Iron 6% of the daily intake
Vitamin B6 5% of the daily intake.
The macadamia is actually high in fat, but the 79% of the fat found in macadamia are all monounsaturated fats. (Monounsaturated fats), or as we know it as 'good fats' (HDL), these fats are good for heart health. This is because it can help reduce 'bad fats' (LDL) in the blood.

The benefits of macadamia nuts
Good for heart health
From the previously mentioned Macadamia Nuts Is rich in good fats That can help reduce the level of cholesterol. And the bad fats in the bloodstream

Research shows Eating foods high in fat muffa (MUFA) like macadamia nuts. It can help improve cardiovascular health. It may also be able to help lower cholesterol levels. And the level of blood pressure All of which are good for heart health at all.

It may help prevent cancer
Because macadamia nuts are rich in antioxidants such as flavonoid or vitamin E. Which has properties to help combat inflammation Help lower cholesterol levels And helps prevent damage to cells caused by free radicals That may lead to cancer. Therefore, eating foods that are high in antioxidants, such as macadamia nuts. It may be able to help prevent cancer itself.

Helps reduce the risk of metabolic obesity.
Metabolic syndrome is a disease caused by many risk factors, whether it is high blood sugar. High cholesterol Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke Which eating macadamia nuts May be able to help reduce the risk of developing these diseases.

Research has found that Eating macadamia nuts May be able to help prevent both metabolic obesity And type 2 diabetes by reducing fasting blood sugar levels.

The research found that Those who ate 28-84 grams of macadamia nuts per day had lower blood sugar levels (HbA1c) and had long-term blood sugar control.

Help control blood sugar
Several studies have found that Eating nuts such as macadamia may help people with type 2 diabetes better control their blood sugar levels. In addition, research conducted on diabetic rats found that rats eating a high-fat muffa diet. Like macadamia nuts Together with exercise Will be able to reduce the level of the accumulated sugar more Rats who exercise alone

Precautions for eating macadamia nuts
High calorie
Macadamia nuts are very high in calories. Eating a cup of macadamia, or approximately 132 grams, may provide 950 kilocalories, almost equivalent to half the daily calorie intake. Eating macamea with other foods that are high in energy. It may expose you to too many calories.

People with nut allergy may have an allergic reaction when taking macadamia. Especially those who are allergic to other perennial nuts such as peanuts, etc. Bringing it to food Some people tend to roast the macadamia through heat before eating. The heat from cooking can cause macadamia to lose some of its nutrients.

Around Suannan / Sitting disease "sitting disease" is at the risk of death as well as obesity - smoking.
« เมื่อ: มีนาคม 14, 2021, 03:50:27 pm »

We may already be familiar with Office slot online Syndrome. Which is a group of diseases caused by improper work Until affecting overall health But did you know that Besides improper sitting posture, sitting for a long time is also known as Sitting Disease.

Sitting Disease is a medical term used in people who sit for more than 8 hours a day. Without physical activity This was found to have a similar mortality risk to the risk of dying from obesity and smoking. This is the data obtained from an analysis of 13 studies on time spent sitting and level of activity.

Side effects on health
Most of the time, sitting for too long Often the company employees who work at the table for a long time. By barely going anywhere The side effects on health that can occur are as follows.

Increased blood pressure
Elevated blood sugar levels
There is excess fat around the waist
Have abnormal cholesterol levels
With thromboembolism in the vein
At risk of developing type 2 diabetes
Risk of heart disease
Risk of breast cancer Colon cancer

In addition, improper sitting posture can also result in the muscles that help to flex the hip (hip flexor), including the back of the thigh And the joints become too stiff Causing pain in the lower back And symptoms of stiffness in the knees It also affects walking and balancing of the body. While sitting in the legs for a long time, it can still cause blood to reach the leg Resulting in varicose veins And there was pain following

For the elderly who sit for a long time Does not move the body Often prone to osteoporosis. Slow motion And unable to do normal daily activities

Move your body every 30 minutes.
Sitting Disease is easily prevented. Just move your body more. Do not sit for several hours in a row The recommended formula is: Every 30 minutes, change your style by standing up for 8 minutes and walking around for 2 minutes.

You should also try to move your body more and more each day, such as walking up and down stairs instead of using the elevator. Or when talking on the phone, stand and talk instead Including trying to find more time to exercise

Walking can help
Walking is the easiest exercise. And can be done without any equipment The American Heart Association (American Heart Association) recommends that each day we should walk 10,000 steps every day, which has found that scientific studies. Occupations in which the body is physically active by walking more than 2 hours a day. Can help reduce the risk of developing various chronic diseases.

Around Suannan / Shark population has declined 71 percent since the year 2000. 1970
« เมื่อ: มีนาคม 12, 2021, 03:43:03 pm »

Scientists have known for decades that the สล็อตxo โอน ผ่าน วอ เลท number of sharks is declining. But a new study shows that global shark populations have declined severely over the past 50 years.

Data from a study recently published in the journal Nature showed that the number of sharks and stingrays in the world's oceans decreased by more than 70 percent between 1970 and 2018.

Stuart Sandin, a marine biologist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, said sharks are great predators. Be a fast swimmer And has a special senses They can be aware of any change In the ocean from a distance Either it is a slight change in the smell or the flow of water.

The ability to quickly recognize what has changed from the normal allows sharks to forage in the open ocean. But it puts them at risk, especially as international fisheries increase.

Sandin said that when fishing in the open ocean Sharks are always hooked first, whether they are the main target of fishermen or not.

26 of the 31 sharks and stingrays are in danger of extinction.Three sharks - the white-tip sharks, the hammerhead sharks and the sledgehammers - are the most vulnerable.

Nathan Pacoureau, a biologist at Simon Fraser University in Canada and one of the authors of the study, said the past 50 years have been a catastrophic time for the global shark population.

Sometimes sharks are deliberately caught by fishing boats. But often they are caught while fishermen are catching other fish. Exist, such as tuna and sharp mouth fish or swordfish

However, both sharks and rays are fish with a cartilaginous skeleton. Unlike other fish That is, they are not able to reproduce as often. And still produces only a few babies at a time

Pacoureau said sharks share a similar breeding pattern with mammals rather than fish. Therefore, the population will not be able to replenish as quickly as other fish.

The number of fishing vessels in the open ocean has increased dramatically since the 1950s. The 1950s, and climate change and pollution put the lives of sharks at risk. But the growing pressure of fishing is the greatest threat to any shark. Ocean species

Stuart Pimm, an ecologist at Duke University who was not involved in the study, said the removal of a predators like sharks from the ocean affects all living organisms in the sea. And that sharks are like lions, tigers and bears of the ocean world. And they also help keep the marine ecosystem in balance.

Around Suannan / Risky behavior "Spine" without knowing
« เมื่อ: มีนาคม 11, 2021, 02:56:56 pm »

Share knowledge about pg slot true wallet  health, disease, illness How to exercise Weight loss tips For good health Stay and eat delicious food for a long time.

We may not see the importance of "Spine" and may begin to pay attention only when we begin to have back pain spreading to the neck until the end of the disease. Requiring treatment From taking medicine to surgery
We may be unknowingly hurting our spine every day. I realized it again and then went to the hospital. Doing physical therapy for a long time and then hurry and check before it's too late. Sanook Health had the opportunity to interview via email with Dr. Sitthipong Suthudom, neurosurgeon. Head of the spine center Nakornthon Hospital In collaboration with Bumrungrad Health Network to provide knowledge on spinal injury risk behavior without knowing. Including how to prevent and treat diseases related to the bone after each other in detail

How to reduce the risk of injury "Spine" for those who have to "sit - stand" for a long time
The risky behavior injures the "spine" without knowing it.
Incorrect posture or posture, such as sitting and working in a back-bent position for a long time Bent down to lift objects off the floor without bending your knees. Sit and work with a table and chair that are not compatible with your body. Tilt the neck, talk on the phone for a long time, work / play on the computer for a long time. Sleep on your stomach regularly Or raise the neck to work continuously for a long time, etc.

Psychological stress May be caused by work Economic problems, family, insufficient rest, etc., which causes the neck muscles to contract for abnormally long Have pain in the neck and head in the occiput

Neck accident This causes the neck to move rapidly. The ligaments or muscles need to be stretched so much that they tear. Pain and muscle spasms causing awkward movement Or if there is a serious accident, there may be a fracture or a mobile collar.

Other causes such as congenital cervical dysplasia, abnormal vision, diseases of internal organs that can cause pain down the back, such as nephrotic syndrome, ovarian and uterine disease. Abdominal aneurysm disease Or the spread of cancer to the spine, etc.
Back pain that should be treated
Pain, stiffness, or dullness around the neck May fracture to the shoulder, shoulder, or arm

In some cases, there may be weakness with numbness.

Less neck movement

Pain in the lower back Or there may be pain in the hips or legs.

Pain may come and go or persistent pain is associated with posture, such as increased pain when standing and walking.

In some cases, there may be numbness, weakness in the legs, or problems with stool and urination disorders.
Diseases that are often found on the spine
Herniated disc disease
Disc herniation, a jelly-like portion that moves through a small hole. Tearing of the fibers Mainly caused by Accidents involving the back or use, such as lifting too heavy, lifting the wrong position

Spinal stenosis, nerve compression
Deterioration of the body both from age and use Cause collapse of the intervertebral disc Have enlarged spine There is thickening of the tissues around the spine.

Degenerative cervical disc
The cervical disc can be degenerated for many reasons, such as accidents, frequent neck shaking, fast and hard. Or bending over a lot for a long time

It is a common spinal abnormality. It most often occurs with children or adolescents. In the period of growth The bone line is curved to form a "C" or "S" shape for unknown reasons.

Spine disease treatment
Non-surgical treatment

Operative pain relief Pain relief method with steroid injections to reduce pain Intravenous steroid injections To reduce inflammation and swelling of the ganglia caused by herniated disc or nerve cavity.

Radio frequency is used to treat pain in the facet joints. It reduces the transmission of pain signals and reduces pain.

Inject into a facet joint or into a facet nerve. The anesthesia may be mixed with steroid drugs to the facet joints or the facet nerve suspected of causing pain.

Surgical treatment of spinal disease

Endoscopic spine surgery Surgery is performed through a high-resolution endoscope. By inserting the camera through a small incision Through the skin into the spine Benefits obtained from surgery The doctor can clearly see the abnormality, the small surgical wound, size 8 mm, the pain of the incision wound, the risk of infection is low. Reduce the destruction of good tissue surrounding the surgery area. Patients recovered quickly after surgery. You can go home within 24 hours.

Orthopedic fusion surgery from the front Treatment of diseases or conditions of herniated cervical nerve pressure. Or overlap the spinal cord Or herniated disc herniation with bone growth pressing on the nerve

Surgery to replace a cervical cervical disc Surgery using a microscope to remove a herniated disc that is pressed against the nerve Then replaced with artificial

Around Suannan / How much calcium is needed by people of each age so that it is enough.
« เมื่อ: มีนาคม 10, 2021, 03:49:57 pm »

Calcium is one of the essential xo walletดาวน์โหลด minerals for our body. It is important to the work processes of the body at the cellular level, stretching and contraction of the muscles. And contributes to the formation of bones and teeth
Especially the calcium in the blood Directly affect the heartbeat Work of the nervous system Usually calcium accumulates in the bones and teeth, so if the calcium in the blood decreases The body will use the calcium stored in it (or simply break it down) to make the bone thin, porous, brittle, and easily broken. People of different ages need different amounts of calcium. So how much calcium do they need?

Small child

From birth to 3 years old should receive about 200-700 mg of calcium per day. Children at this age will need calcium for strengthening their bones, teeth, nails, as well as helping them to grow properly.


In children 3-10 years old, about 600-800 milligrams of calcium per day should be obtained. Children at this age need nutrients for continued growth. Because the body is developing into adolescence This is the period when the child is growing rapidly and is also the period when the body is forming bone. If not getting enough calcium per day Will increase the risk of rickets Unhealthy bones When using the body heavily, there will be bone pain. Muscle pain And the risk of fractures easily

Adolescents - Adulthood

From the age of about 11-55 years, should receive approximately 800-1,000 mg of calcium per day. For teenagers This will be the fastest growing period. Until the age of about 20 years and over the age of 25 years, the body will grow slower. In adulthood as a working age Need to get the right amount of calcium and regularly

The elderly

Is people aged 55 years and over People at this age are the age that should receive more calcium than other people, about 1,000-1,200 milligrams per it. When a person is over 30 years of age, the body absorbs less calcium and starts not to accumulate calcium. Thus causing bone and teeth problems Brittle bones Porous and unhealthy This is because the calcium in the bones and teeth of older people deteriorates with the physical condition

Around Suannan / Benefits of "cocoa powder" health tips that you should not miss.
« เมื่อ: มีนาคม 09, 2021, 03:47:16 pm »

Chocolate has health benefits. That is ทดลองเล่นสล็อต xo a fact that many are well known. But how about looking at the main ingredient used in making chocolate like cocoa? What do we know about cocoa, especially cocoa powder, an essential ingredient that can be processed into many foods? If you want to know how good cocoa powder is for your health Follow along and check out this article from Hello Doctor.

Nutrients in cocoa powder
Cocoa is made from the seeds of the Cacao tree, a plant native to South America. It is an essential material for making chocolate. The famous dessert menu that is popular all over the world. Cocoa beans It needs to be processed so that it can be utilized in a wide variety of applications. One of them is cocoa powder. 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder provides

1 gram protein, 13.7 grams total fat, 3 grams carbohydrate, 3 grams fiber, 1 gram of net starch, and rich in nutrients that benefit the body including magnesium, potassium, manganese, copper.

If anyone is a fan of cocoa, it must be known that the hot cocoa and iced cocoa dishes are so delicious that they cannot wait. But aside from being unforgettable, cocoa has even more benefits.

Help fight cancer
Cocoa powder helps fight cancer because it is rich in antioxidants in higher amounts than conventional foods, such as green tea, black tea, or red wine.The main antioxidants in cocoa are polyphenols. S (Polyphenols), flavonoids (Flavonoids), niacin (Niacin), which these essential nutrients. Experts commented that it helps to Protect cells from being attacked by bacteria. It inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Prevent existing cancer cells from spreading. Stimulates the death of cancer cells

Reduce the risk of heart disease.
Flavonoids in cocoa powder are important contributors to reduce the risk of heart disease. Because it has properties in preventing blood clots And reduce the blocking of blood vessels, which is beneficial for heart health In addition, cocoa contains monounsaturated fats, saturated fats, and oleic acid that help keep your heart healthy.

Lowering blood pressure
Flavonoids continue to be a hero in cocoa and cocoa powder. Studies have shown that people who consume cocoa regularly. There will be expansion of the blood vessels, which allows the blood system to circulate better. It also helps reduce stress that is another cause of high blood pressure as well.

Reduce insulin resistance.
Polyphenols (Polyphenols) in cocoa and cocoa powder. Slows down the digestive process Helps to absorb carbohydrates and sugars well. And polyphenols (Polyphenols) also contribute to the breakdown of glucose. To maintain a balanced blood sugar level And can increase insulin resistance

Prevent dementia
Polyphenols (Polyphenols) and flavonoids in cocoa have been found to stimulate brain function. Helps blood flow to the brain well. And also helps prevent neurological degenerative diseases (Neurodegenerative) such as dementia (Dementia) Alzheimer's disease (Alzheimer's Disease).

Helps to improve mood, reduce depression.
Whenever you feel tired, depressed, and sad, let Cocoa be your best friend. Nutrients in cocoa or cocoa powder Including chocolate made from cocoa, it can help reduce drowsiness. Increased energy

It helps in losing weight
Are you one of those people looking for weight loss aids? If so, you should not ignore the good tips like cocoa powder because cocoa is low in carbohydrates. After eating it makes you feel full longer. It prevents the accumulation of fat and also increases the burning of fat as well. With research results that people who eat cocoa Or eating foods that contain cocoa, such as chocolate, can lose weight faster than those who do not eat chocolate at all. But I recommend that it is only dark chocolate.

Help to create a balance of mineral salts in the blood.
The problem of mineral salts in the blood is imbalance. This is because the body has insufficient nutrients of potassium, magnesium and sodium. Which eating cocoa Will help the body get all the above nutrients

Cocoa is good for your teeth.
Regular cocoa consumption can help to keep oral health. Because cocoa contains a substance called Theobromine (Theobromine) helps to fight bacteria. And makes teeth healthy But it is important not to add sugar to the cocoa.

Side effects to be aware of
Although cocoa is a great help in good health. However There are still some tips and precautions for eating cocoa:

People with anxiety symptoms Should be careful eating cocoa. Due to the caffeine in cocoa May result in an irregular heartbeat

People with diabetes Should not eat cocoa in large quantities. Because it can affect blood sugar levels

People with GERD Eating cocoa powder May make existing symptoms worse

People with glaucoma Be careful with cocoa. This is because the caffeine in cocoa affects the pressure on the eyes.

People with high blood pressure If you eat cocoa, your blood pressure may be higher than you are.
Eating cocoa, although not directly adversely affects your health. But those who already have existing medical conditions You should seek advice from your doctor and professional whether they can eat it or not. And how much will not affect health It is important to know how to abstain from eating cocoa powder for maximum health benefits.

Around Suannan / Doctors suggest the secret to recovering a broken figure to come back to be healthy.
« เมื่อ: มีนาคม 08, 2021, 04:48:07 pm »

If you accidentally eat so much that the stock is slotxo broken in the past We will recover the body to come back to bang as usual. Or even more?
Dr. Kridakorn Kesornkham, a specialist doctor from Addlife Check-Up Center, 2nd Floor, Life Center (Q. House Lumpini), therefore introduces good health tips. Party, however, the puppet does not break. Come together. Although during this time many You may not have been going out. Due to the epidemic situation of COVID-19 But may have to meet and socialize Eating feast together Which is the party that allows many people to enjoy eating delicious food of various kinds The more you enjoy the long weekend. Before I realized it again, there was a problem. That weight is gaining rapidly.

How to reduce obesity effectively and correctly
Reducing obesity at many places People often do this is fasting, which may be effective in the early stages. But after a long time it will not work or get very little results. Because the human body is naturally built to store fat anyway. When we fast Our body will understand that it is now in a state of malnutrition. Will send a warning signal to the body to accumulate fat When dieting for a long time, muscle mass is replaced by fat. In the long term, in addition to obesity that is not wanted Also prone to serious diseases Followed by another kite, such as osteoarthritis Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and many other diseases can be seen that obesity greatly undermines physical health. Fortunately, the current medical knowledge has made us understand that Correct and permanent weight loss should be solved at internal causes. Which each person may differ from

Let's first understand the causes of obesity. Obesity is caused by both internal and external factors, external factors such as obesity from self-indulgent diet. And not exercising, which we can fix But while the deeper internal factors we cannot see, such as heredity, the metabolic rate in the body is not normal. Which if we can know and fix it Losing weight is not difficult anymore. At present, we can measure the metabolic rate and solve these problems. Must be along with the diet is important But does not depend on the amount eaten alone It also depends on what you are eating and in what quantity. Which eating for correct weight loss should be done as follows.

Choose to refrain from foods such as flour, fat, sugar.
Focus on eating foods such as fruits and vegetables (unsweetened)
Increase your intake of protein foods more.
Taking vitamin supplements, such as fiber, can make you eat less.
It's also a good idea to get regular exercise to help your body burn better. If you can follow as follows, the doctor believes that Will surely produce the best effect on your physical health for sure

Around Suannan / "Almond flour" with great benefits For health that you want to try
« เมื่อ: มีนาคม 07, 2021, 04:49:54 pm »

Healthy eating flow Is gaining immense slotxo popularity nowadays. When all health lovers are looking for healthy food alternatives Especially foods such as flour, almond flour, is another choice for health lovers. Outstanding in terms of nutrients that are beneficial to the body

Hello, the doctor will introduce you to the new alternative almond powder for people who love health.

What is almond flour?
Almond flour is a flour obtained by grinding almond kernels into powder. With steps: Blanch the almonds in hot water. To remove the outer shell Then the seeds are ground and sifted. To get finely ground almond flour They are wheat-like and can be used in various dishes such as pasta, bread, cakes or pastries. Instead of the usual wheat or other flour.

Almond flour is a great choice for those who want a gluten-free diet, a type of glycoprotein that can be found in whole grains such as wheat or barley. And it is also an alternative for those who want to reduce their carbohydrate intake. In addition, almond flour is rich in many nutrients, vitamins and minerals as well.

Nutritional value of almond flour
In 1 ounce of almond flour, it has the following nutritional values.

Energy 163 kcal
14 g fat
6 g protein
6 g carbohydrates
Dietary fiber 3 g
Vitamin E 35% of the amount that should be taken each day.
Manganese 31% of the daily intake
Magnesium 19% of the daily intake
It also contains other vitamins and minerals such as copper, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B2, vitamin B9 and various antioxidants. But they are all beneficial to the body as well.

Health benefits of almond flour
Good for heart health
Research has found that Eating 50 grams of almond flour a day may help lower blood cholesterol levels. Compared with those who did not eat almond flour Because the almond flour is rich in monounsaturated fats. This can help in reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood. It can help reduce the risk of developing various cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease or high blood pressure, etc.

Good for controlling blood sugar
Almond flour contains less carbs. When compared with wheat or other flour Used in cooking But it has higher fiber and good fats than other starches.

Foods that are high in carbohydrates like wheat flour. When it is decomposed, it becomes sugar. And is absorbed into the bloodstream Causing the blood sugar level to rise high And fell sharply Making people who need to control blood sugar levels, such as diabetics There may be various problems and complications.

Almond flour is a low-glycemic food. Refers to food that will be digested into sugar at a slower rate. And provide energy regularly Does not cause the sugar level to spike rapidly The magnesium contained in almond flour. It also has properties to help control blood sugar levels as well. Therefore, turning to eating almond flour. Thus helping these patients Able to control blood sugar levels better.
Gluten free
Gluten (Gluten) is a type of glycoprotein. That can be found in wheat flour Gluten will help make the dough more resilient. And helps to better retain air while baking It is a popular choice in cooking such as making various breads.

However Some people may have a condition called celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Making it impossible to eat foods that contain gluten As it may cause allergic reactions And harmful to the body Almond flour is a great choice for those who want to avoid gluten-rich foods. Makes it possible to eat a variety of baked goods normally.
Good for intestinal health
Almond flour is rich in prebiotics, this type of fiber is not digested in the stomach. Rather, it becomes food for the good bacteria in the intestines. Helps the digestive system and intestines to be healthy.
Precautions for consuming almond flour
See good benefits Of almond flour like this It does not mean that you should eat only foods that use almond flour as the sole ingredient. Without being careful about the amount of consumption it Because almond flour contains relatively high levels of enzyme inhibitors. Eating excessive amounts of almond flour May cause indigestion And abdominal pain Therefore, the best way is to eat properly. And eat a variety of foods Get complete nutrients For good health as well

Around Suannan / How often should the "sheets" be changed? For good health
« เมื่อ: มีนาคม 05, 2021, 03:44:46 pm »

Bedding is one of the things that we need slot ฝาก-ถอน true wallet to use on a daily basis. And spent hours with them Each person's bedding washing may also be different. Once a week Or some people maybe once a month But did you know that bedding can be another important source of germs today? Hello Doctor has a story about bedding to leave each other.

Why is washing bedding so important?
On the mattress is everyone's happiest place, but did you know that linens are a great breeding ground for bacteria? That is so because Sleep makes our skin use this time to rebuild itself. Resulting in dead skin cells and new skin cells Caught by the sheets Acts like a fishing net. That captures thousands of human cells This includes oil that comes out of the body and various fluids, including urine and feces.

In addition, people sweat 26 gallons of water in their beds every year and when they are exposed to humidity, they sweat. It will cause fungus to occur, so if you have scratches, it can lead to infection. In addition, the dead skin cells. There is also a factor in pulling dust mites to get on the mattress. It can affect people with asthma too.

Therefore, the sheets are always cleaned. Thus preventing mold, germs and dust mites that can cause health problems

How bad is it if you don't wash your sheets every week?
Let's take a look at this time. If you don't wash your sheets every week It can negatively affect you, how are you? The results are as follows.

Our bodies exfoliate 500 million skin cells a day, causing stains, thinking in bed when you roll around. Where the dead cells are piled on the sheets In addition, dust mites like to eat the cells that have been shed. The resulting dust mites can cause allergies, asthma, and even cause you to get itchy eczema.

Fungal infection
If you who like to sleep with pets Must be very careful This is because dust mites can cause animal skin to become leprosy. It can also spread to your skin as well. May cause irritation and itchiness, and pets can also get infected with fungi. Also known as Ringworm from your scalp as well.

Dead skin cells, sweat, saliva, and more can easily transform your bed into a host of many germs. Examples of laboratory experiments were found. A pillowcase that has not been washed for a week contains 17,000 times more bacteria, which is the same as the germs that develop on the toilet seat.

Your existing acne symptoms may get worse. Or unable to find the reason why you have acne It is a result of not washing the sheets and pillowcases. The meat from dead skin cells and bacteria can clog pores. Until causing acne to come up with that

Most bacteria or viruses It can survive on soft surfaces for minutes to hours. Duration will vary. Which depends on the nature of microorganisms such as influenza virus Will live in the fabric for 15 minutes, but the microorganisms that cause gastric irritation Can survive in fabrics for up to 4 hours.

Your pillow may be filled with mold. Which some fungi affect people with asthma Therefore, washing the sheets Including pillowcases, it is important But when washing it, be sure to dry it. Because otherwise it might have mildew. It can be attached to your bedding.

How often should bed linen be washed?
Microbiologists recommend that bedding, duvets and pillowcases should be washed once a week at 60 ° C to clean bacteria. In addition, it is best to use only completely dry sheets and pillowcases. Which when finished washing should be dried and exposed to sunlight To kill microorganisms In addition, the iron should be used. Iron sheets and pillowcases to kill any remaining bacteria.

While you can keep your sheets, quilts and pillowcases cleaned regularly, dry cleaning is an efficient and quality method. It's also easy and suitable for your lifestyle. It also makes you feel safe from bacteria.

The dry cleaning process also uses a chemical detergent. In general, a chemical called Tetrachlorethylene (Tetrachlorethylene), this chemical acts like an electromagnetic wave that keeps antibacterial. You can be confident that your sheets, pillowcases and duvets will be sterilized and perfectly clean.

Around Suannan / Like sweet girls for sure, strawberries can help you lose weight.
« เมื่อ: มีนาคม 04, 2021, 04:50:43 pm »

Strawberry is a fruit that is easy  สล็อตxo168 to find both in Thailand and in Japan. Besides being delicious and valuable to beauty Japanese people also use strawberries as a weight loss aid. Come to know the benefits of strawberries for weight loss and how to eat them for weight loss as Japanese people recommend.

The reason why Japanese people choose strawberries as their weight loss fruit

Strawberry is a fruit that is low in energy. 100 grams of strawberries (5-7 medium-sized strawberries) provide only 34 kilocalories of energy. Approximately 200-300 grams provide about 85-102 kcal of energy, which is considered a full-bodied fruit but very low in energy. In addition to being low in calories, strawberries are also valuable in the following nutrients that can help you beautify and lose weight:

Helps reduce edema of the body.
100 grams of strawberries contain about 170 milligrams of potassium, which helps to excrete excess sodium salt from the body. It helps to reduce and prevent edema of the body as well.

Helps to normalize the bowels and the stomach is not tied.
Strawberries are rich in dietary fiber and organic acids that stimulate the intestinal tract. As a result, the excretory system works normally and helps to expel waste from the body well

Helps to keep healthy and healthy skin.
Vitamin C helps keep the skin healthy from being a key ingredient in collagen formation. Prevents dark spots on the skin well. It also helps to strengthen the body's immune system. 100 grams of strawberries contain 64 milligrams of vitamin C, which accounts for 64 percent of the vitamin C your body needs each day. Eating fresh strawberries will provide your body with vitamin C without losing any of its nutrients.

Reduce the accumulation of fat in the body.
Although the mechanism of action is not clear in humans. But the high levels of polyphenols in strawberries can help reduce the body fat accumulation.

How to eat strawberries to aid weight loss.

Eat with yogurt.
Double value from yogurt and strawberries. In addition to increasing the body's absorption of nutrients from strawberries. Dietary fiber from strawberries and lactic acid bacteria from yogurt will improve the intestinal environment. Helps to excrete fluently and prevent obesity well.

Eat as a snack
Strawberry is a fruit that is low in energy. It has a sweet and sour taste. Eating this fruit as a snack without sugar, sweetened condensed milk or chocolate. It will reduce the high calorie content of desserts and snacks as well.

Maintaining a stable figure that is not overly fat or thin will help maintain youthfulness while maintaining good health for a long time If there is still no way to lose weight that is satisfactory I would like to introduce strawberries according to the method recommended by Japanese people. If you don't have fresh strawberries, you can freeze them as well. How did you get it? Let's share with each other.

Around Suannan / The cause of "belly pong" doesn't always mean "fat"
« เมื่อ: มีนาคม 03, 2021, 03:56:51 pm »

Share knowledge about health, disease, illness เกม สล็อต  How to exercise Weight loss tips For good health Stay and eat delicious food for a long time.

Young men and women who have a big "belly" problem if they are already fat people. You may not have much doubts about where this round belly came from, but if it is a normal figure to a thin body. Weight is below the threshold. But when wearing clothes, you will still see that the belly comes out You might be wondering how you got this belly. Sanook Health has a cute (but useful) answer from Dr. Thida Kan Rujipattanakul or Dr. Ping, a dermatologist and anti-aging medicine specialist. Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital from Pleasehealth Books page.

How did "belly" come about?
A bloated belly is a sign of some changes in the body. There are several ways to measure whether we have a belly or not. One of the easily recognizable formulas is Our waist circumference should not be more than 80 cm for women and 90 cm for men.

The first possible and most common cause is:

Belly fat
A bloated belly comes from the presence of fat in the abdomen, known in the common language as belly fat.This visceral fat is medically referred to as visceral fat. It is not the skin fat that we can pick up in layers.
This abdominal fat increases the risk of developing chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, stroke. Including Alzheimer's Bloated belly from fat in the abdomen is a warning from the body that We need to adjust our diet, reduce sugar, sugars, desserts, fried foods, processed meats, and exercise more. To reduce this excess fat The purpose of reducing belly is not because of its beauty. But to take care of the body back to normal Does not increase the risk of disease in the body.

Another common cause is Bloated belly from flatulence There is a lot of air in the abdomen. Often accompanied by pain, discomfort, abdominal discomfort, frequent burping, bloated belly associated with meals.
The causes of flatulence can be varied. Both from diseases such as Stomach ulcer, reflux, gallstones Or from foods that have a lot of gas, such as soft drinks, soda, beer, or foods that are high in pulp and difficult to digest, such as fresh vegetables, pickles, and in some people it can be caused by cow's milk. Because there is no enzyme to digest sugar in milk
If the body sends a signal of large bloating from the air in the abdomen It should be noted that in relation to the type of food. A food diary may be made to determine the relationship between food and symptoms. And if it's chronic Or have other symptoms, such as abdominal pain, weight loss, abnormal bowel movements Abnormal stools Should seek medical attention

Another type of bloated belly that is rarely found but should be given a lot of attention. Is that the belly is bloated from an abnormally high amount of water in the abdomen Also known as dropsy will have an unusual belly. Not related to body proportions, such as a thin body, but with a large belly They often have other symptoms such as bloating, loss of appetite, and swollen legs.
The causes of ascites vary. Both from liver disease, kidney disease, heart disease, inflammation, abdominal infection. Including abdominal cancer, so if the body sends an abnormal bloated belly signal in this way Should hurry to have a diagnosis and find the cause.
In conclusion, a bloated belly, whether it is from obesity or other causes Are all signs that our body is trying to tell us That there may be some imbalance or anomalies started to occur. If you want to use your body for a long time Must keep observing the symptoms and take care of it every day.

Around Suannan / "Water Salad", a good helper Solve the problem of men without liquid
« เมื่อ: มีนาคม 02, 2021, 04:42:15 pm »

When married and living together Most slotxo game couples plan to have an heir for succession. Or complete a more complete family But not all partners will be successful as intended. Which causes difficult to have children Part of it may come from a man whose sperm or sperm are not healthy enough. Or the quantity is too small Until reducing the likelihood of the woman becoming pregnant

However, the problem with low sperm volume can be solved. When the latest research found that eating Watercress or water salad. Can help increase the number of more sperm Which water salad It is known as a superfood or the ultimate in healthy food. Because it helps the body cope with the stress that arises Thus reducing stress levels

However, stress greatly affects sperm production. An earlier study by researchers from Columbia University in the United States found that men with stress. This will reduce the concentration and quantity of quality sperm as well. The quality of sperm is a measure of whether the woman is pregnant or not.

In addition, watery salad vegetables are also rich in vitamin C and vitamin E. Which is strongly linked to increasing the amount of more sperm This is because several studies over the past 10 years have found that vitamin C and vitamin E can improve sperm quality and quantity. Scientists therefore recommend eating more salad water. It is useful for men who want to produce successful heirs.

Around Suannan / "Bulimia" from "deep throat" behavior, the belief that wrong weight loss That may risk death
« เมื่อ: มีนาคม 01, 2021, 05:03:07 pm »

Some people may believe xo wallet that the throat after eating. To induce vomiting, take out food Will not increase the weight Which is a false belief that this method can not cause weight loss. It also affects health as well, such as sore throat, tooth decay, bloating, indigestion, etc. This behavior is classified as "throat disease" or "bulimia" there will be more details. Let's get to know more about this disease in this article from Hello, Doctor.

Choking disease, wrong eating behavior That may bring about death
Bulimia nervosa, also known as bulimia, is an eating disorder, such as the knowledge of eating large amounts of food. And wanting to get rid of it so that you don't want your body to take on high-calorie foods by going through your throat to make yourself vomit. Or may have used a laxative Weight loss supplements To prevent weight gain

However, choking is most commonly seen in females in late adolescence or early adulthood. Who are concerned about their appearance, causing their patients to have sleep problems, sore throat, bloating, vomiting, etc.

What are the causes and factors that affect the neck stroke behavior?
Currently, the exact cause of the throat-stroking behavior is not known. It was found that it may be related to biological and environmental factors as follows.

Concerned about body shape
Anxiety stress
Fasting often

Characteristics of patients with deep throat
Patients with deep throat There may be different symptoms depending on the individual.

Teeth problems
Sore throat
Swollen glands on the neck and face
Indigestion, flatulence
I feel cold all the time
Sleep problems
Dry skin
Dry and brittle nails
Consult a doctor
Initially, the doctor will ask about the patient's history and symptoms, such as attitudes, thoughts. Eating behavior With different treatment methods as follows

Medicines Your doctor may prescribe antidepressant drugs.
Antidepressants, such as fluoxetine.
Therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
Interpersonal psychotherapy And within the family So that patients can adjust their behavior, thinking and eating
Improves mood and mental health

Around Suannan / 12 psychological techniques Social aid
« เมื่อ: กุมภาพันธ์ 28, 2021, 03:32:25 pm »

When you have to contact or talk to xo wallet people Both in work or in society Using simple techniques based on basic psychological principles by creating an understanding of people's gestures or ways of using speech will influence people. Building self confidence All the things you can do to make your life easier. Today Tonkit360 offers 12 psychological techniques that will help you connect or socialize as intended.

1. if you want to know something from someone Ask a similar question, then you don't have to reply to him right away. But keep quiet for a moment and then look at him to tell the truth. You will then know what you want to know, or is most close to the information you want to know.

2. When you have to persuade someone to do what you want. Make sure that he is sitting and that you stand.

3. Easy self-confidence when it comes to meeting and chatting with strangers. Ask you to walk into the room and tell yourself that everyone in the room likes you.

4. When meeting someone for the first time, remember their name and call them in a conversation to impress the person and trust you.

5. If you meet and talk to someone, he eyes you. Rather than looking down or looking away Just know that he is interested in you and what you are saying.

6. If you want to know who smiles for etiquette or honestly smile Please look into that person's eyes.

7. Want to know if the other person is interested in your story? Notice the tip of the person's feet if they're interested. The tip of his feet will be directed towards you.

8. Does the use of jokes make the atmosphere tense? Feelings of stranger to each other always disappear. But have to choose a good pearl as well

9. If you want someone to do something for you Ordering may not be the best solution. But if they make them feel that they have a choice, they will do it for you willingly.

10. If there is an argument The ones who will win are those who have good control over their emotions and tone. Shouting back didn't help.

11. If you want to build a feeling of trust with someone you just know. You have to learn to like the same things as him. Or have an opinion in the same way as him so that the other person feels that people are one.

12. Bury the other person's thoughts by putting a way of thinking in their hearts. You don't have to force But you can slowly drop the seeds you want in your head. Then wait for the day that those seeds grow by putting their thoughts in that person's head every day.

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