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Around Suannan / Treat diabetes and delay aging with 5 benefits from royal jelly
« เมื่อ: กุมภาพันธ์ 26, 2021, 03:24:15 pm »

Besides, women will also know the slotxo benefits of honey that can be used for medicinal purposes and for beauty purposes. There is still royal jelly that we want women to Got to know Because the benefits of royal jelly are claimed to be more than honey. Follow us to see the benefits. That can be obtained from royal jelly

What is royal jelly

Royal Jelly, also known as Royal Jelly, is a product produced from the hopopharynx glands of worker bees. Liquid It has a milky white color, sweet taste and a slight sour smell. The royal jelly is a staple food for the queen bees and bee larvae that are used to stimulate their growth. In addition, royal jelly has the ability to help make the queen bees bigger and prettier than other bees. It also helped the queen bee live 20 times longer than worker bees. And nowadays, royal jelly has been further developed into drugs, food supplements, and many more nourishing creams. For your part, other benefits Received from royal jelly that girls You shouldn't miss it.

1. Help balance hormones of women.
This is because royal jelly is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, sugar and amino acids as well as HDA fatty acids. Which all these nutrients have an effect on the growth of the body And more importantly, there is also a substance that is acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter. It is responsible for the senses and mechanisms of the brain. And there are also sex hormones like testosterone, progesterone, etc.

2. Relieve menopausal symptoms
Menopause causes symptoms such as vaginal dryness, itching, or burning in the vagina. And feel pain while having sex Which can be alleviated by the use of creams that contain royal jelly. Since most lubricants are used only temporarily. While the royal jelly cream is more effective

3. Treat diabetes and nourish hair.
Royal Jelly contains phenolic compounds that are responsible for antioxidants. Contains proteins that help fight bacteria. And contains HDA fatty acids that help fight microorganisms It is a substance that all stimulates the immune system. Along with the treatment of diabetes It can also stimulate hair growth.

4. Reduce the level of fat in the blood.
In royal jelly, there are medium-chain fatty acids. Including compounds that have properties that help reduce fat in the blood. And reduce risk factors that may lead to cardiovascular disease It also lowers the levels of bad cholesterol. Along with helping to increase the level of good cholesterol instead

5. Relieve pain before menstruation (PMS).
Women who often have abdominal pain before menstruation. Can alleviate such symptoms by consuming 1,000 milligrams of royal jelly per day will help improve symptoms during menstruation.

Besides, royal jelly will provide various benefits. As we have said above Royal Jelly is also considered an elixir that helps in anti-aging. Help your skin shine bright. It also has properties for wound healing as well.

Around Suannan / Wrinkles" on the face can tell the disease according to traditional Chinese medicine.
« เมื่อ: กุมภาพันธ์ 25, 2021, 03:38:22 pm »

Most girls would not be able slotxo  to let the lines Aging Growing into a beautiful face Because no one wants to have wrinkles to warn about the increasing age every day. And although taking care of wrinkles is a top priority for women, but care should also be a priority. And take care from within Because no matter how much scrub How much cream mask But if our internal health is imperfect, then bad wrinkles will definitely show up.

Sanook Health has information from the Life Center Blog that talks about an ancient science from China, stating that every wrinkle on the face has a origin. It is also related to the functioning of our organs and body systems. And can indicate abnormalities of the body from wrinkles on the face as well

Wrinkles between eyebrows and eyes
The wrinkles between the eyebrows and the eyes can reflect the "liver". Drink a lot of alcohol Or eating food with a lot of toxic residue will form 2 lines between the eyebrows This indicates that the liver is already having problems. People who hang out everyday often have a single deep line between the eyebrows. Indicates a danger signal That the symptoms of cirrhosis are close to asking for

"Wrinkles" on the face can tell the disease according to traditional Chinese medicine.
Forehead wrinkles
Forehead wrinkles can convey "kidneys". Try to just do your face, the wrinkles will form a transverse line on your face. If there are all three wrinkles, this is definitely bad. Because it shows that the kidneys become weak If asking for reasons why the kidneys are weak You have to ask yourself and ask yourself that you ate too much dessert. Or do you like eating too spicy food? These behaviors will weaken the kidneys.

Wrinkles around the lips to under the nose
The area of ​​the lips to under the nose is the area of ​​the uterus. If the lip color is dark above Showing that the uterus began to be weak And if there are moles or freckles in this area, then there may be symptoms of cystitis, nephritis, and uveitis.

At the same time, if there are 2 lines above the lip clearly indicating that the uterus is healthy. But if a person has abnormal hormones, the lines will gradually fade, try to observe the elders at home. That these two lines are very faded Because as we get older, the functions of various hormones tend to decline.

Wrinkles around the neck
It is very easy to see, if there are 3 diagonal lines on the neck, the hormones in the body are imbalanced. For older people, it may be common for hormones to decrease as they get older. But for women aged 20-30 years, it may show that hormone levels are abnormal. Can make it difficult to get pregnant Need to balance hormones well

Wrinkles can indicate a lot. Like a mirror that reflects health care from within Which part is not normal Which part is defective Can be easily reflected In addition to taking care of the facial skin to fade away signs Don't forget to take good care of your health to reduce your chances of getting wrinkles.

Around Suannan / The secret of "longevity" from Okinawan residents The most elderly city in the world
« เมื่อ: กุมภาพันธ์ 24, 2021, 03:24:30 pm »

Share knowledge about slotxo  health, disease, illness How to exercise Weight loss tips For good health Stay and eat delicious food for a long time.

It is well known that Japanese people are known for their "elderly" population in the country higher than other countries. Or can be called in the top of the world by the island of Okinawa. It is the land with the most long-lived people in the world. Let's learn that What is the secret of Okinawa people?

Sustainable health food Okinawan version Japan
102-year-old Grandma Kamata Nakazato told about her food throughout her life. Daily meals often include tofu, fish soup, boiled vegetables, radishes, carrots and miso soup, while Grandma's favorite drink is green tea, which she sips for all day.

In addition, the food that Okinawa people are particularly fond of is soybeans. And also popularly used yam to cook Because it is very high in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber

Good health tips Okinawan version
Grandma Kamata stated that no matter how delicious the food is Grandma will eat only when full. The important tip is "Eat full but in moderation" doesn't need to be too full. Which corresponds to the information that Until the stomach sends a signal to the brain that it is full It takes about 20 minutes, so eating and eating. Until I feel full and then stop eating Will make the body get too much food But if you stop eating before you feel full After a while, I will realize that I am full. Not so tight that it hurts the digestive system

Grandma Kamata also described her daily routine as Collecting vegetables and herbs from home grown vegetable plots for the preparation of each meal.

So, here are some dietary and health tips that will help Okinawan people live longevity:

Plant-based food with a focus on fruits and vegetables.
Protein from tofu, fish, beans
Plant-based starches such as sweet potato, radish, carrots that contain vitamins and other nutrients. Including dietary fiber That help with the excretion
Get antioxidants from green tea.
Eat the right amount Not too much Reduce the risk of obesity.
Get regular exercise From various activities In daily life such as taking care of the vegetable garden in the home area
In addition to taking care of their own health. Do not neglect your mental health. Be optimistic, not stressful, find activities that you enjoy doing. Socialize with others Will help relieve loneliness And stress in matters that are important to remember the annual health check. To find protection in the event that a serious disease has occurred. When the disease is found quickly Will be able to heal immediately

Around Suannan / 5 tips to keep your navel clean, say goodbye to blackness, increase your confidence in a hundred
« เมื่อ: กุมภาพันธ์ 23, 2021, 03:49:49 pm »

Of course, taking slotxocare of only the face and body Still not enough for the girls Especially the navel, which is an area that is often neglected cleaned frequently. Causing black navel problems Until not confident to wear a shirt showing the waist Therefore, I would like to invite all the girls to pay more attention to taking care of their navel as well. The tips for keeping your navel clean can be done as follows.

1. Wash the soap bubbles thoroughly.
Did you know that the soap, whether it is a loaf or a liquid? Are all important components of fat Therefore, when washing the soap bubbles is not completely clean every time you shower. Inevitably causes soap bubbles to accumulate When accumulating for several days, it blackens. As a result, the skin around the navel is dirty and has a bad smell as well.

2. Dry the navel after each shower.
After every bath, women should wipe the skin around the body dry. Including the skin around the navel should use a towel to dry the inside of the navel as well. Because the skin of the navel is a hole. If there is water left, it can flow into the navel. If you feel that the inside of the navel is not dry with a towel It is recommended to use a cotton swab to wipe the navel dry. Because this method will ensure that the damp and mold will not occur in the navel for sure.

3. Use baby oil to clean.
Cleaning with baby oil Or you can choose to use beeswax, whichever is more convenient It is advisable to soak a cotton bud soaked in baby oil or beeswax. And then wipe the inside of the navel If there is a bad smell It is recommended to continue wiping with a new cotton swab. Until there is no smell Then close it with a towel dampened with warm water and wipe clean the navel again.

4.Clean with alcohol
As for cleaning the navel with alcohol Use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. And then wipe the inside of the navel If there is a black color on the cotton ball Replace it with a new one, dip it in alcohol and wipe it again. Keep doing this Until there is nothing on the cotton ball Continue to use water to wipe the alcohol around the navel. Then closed with a clean shower

5. Adjust hormones to be normal.
Normalization of hormones Most often, this method is used by pregnant women. Because pregnancy causes hormonal changes, resulting in black navel. But after giving birth to the baby The black color around the navel will fade away and will return to normal skin after taking care of it. But if the black mark on the navel has not disappeared It is recommended to consult a medical professional to find a way to adjust the hormones to return to normal.

It can be seen that neglecting to take care of the skin around the navel. Resulting in black navel And may have a bad smell as well That is because the navel may have accumulated dirt or mold. Therefore, it is recommended to women. Apply the tips to keep your navel clean and apply them together. In order to at least be confident that you can wear clothes showing your waist.

Around Suannan / NASA sent a probe Persaverance successfully landed on Mars
« เมื่อ: กุมภาพันธ์ 22, 2021, 02:59:58 pm »

The US Space Agency's slotxoPerseverance probe, or NASA, landed on the Martian surface at 3:55 p.m. Thursday in Washington time. It is another important achievement for NASA.

The nuclear-powered probe was launched from a spacecraft in orbit around Mars. Before landing safely on the Martian surface It was in the joy of NASA officials who had fixed this mission on earth through video cameras and microphones attached to the probe.

So far, NASA has successfully sent 9 out of 10 probes on Mars.

Perseverance ship and his companion The Ingenuity helicopter drone began its departure from Earth in July.Ingenuity will monitor the overall atmosphere of Mars, and the car-sized Perseverance with six wheels will head to the Jezero Crater. Which is believed to have been a lake before And may have traces of primeval life appearing

The duo's two-year mission is to prove that Has Mars once lived or not? Rock and soil samples from this planet will be collected back to Earth. NASA plans to send a next generation of probes to Mars in the next 10 years.

Around Suannan / Stay in the shade, avoid the sun, be careful of the lack of "Calcium-Vitamin D"
« เมื่อ: กุมภาพันธ์ 20, 2021, 04:17:02 pm »

Nowadays, with slotxo our fast-paced lifestyle and the warmer weather every year, we spend less indoors, out in the sun and use UVB protection products. Causing us to lack an essential nutrient that comes with sun exposure, that is, vitamin D. Which is an important variable that helps our body absorb calcium

Inadequate vitamin D intake can lead to calcium deficiency, known as vitamin D and calcium. Is a nutrient that comes together Lack of one thing, it can lead to bone disease and weakened immune system if left over for a long time. Knowing this, we need to take care of ourselves early. For a healthy body for a long time

But walking out to see the sun would be impossible So we need to find some help to support our vitamin D intake, so we recommend five easy-to-do-it-yourself ways to strengthen your bones and immune system. And can do it every day

5 ways to strengthen bones And strong immunity
Eat foods that are high in calcium.
The easiest trick to build strong bones is to choose foods that are naturally high in calcium, such as milk, cheese, fish, dried shrimp, kale, black sesame seeds, etc. Of the body without difficulty

Eat foods that contain vitamin D. Help absorb calcium And avoid foods and drinks that inhibit calcium absorption
The best partner that will help drive the body to use calcium more efficiently is vitamin D. Our body can synthesize vitamin D from sunlight. And foods that are good sources of vitamin D, such as liver, butter, egg yolks, high-fat fish such as salmon, tuna, and certain types of mushrooms, such as oyster mushrooms or fresh shiitake, should also reduce foods that inhibit calcium absorption, such as spinach. Wheat bran, sweet potato, etc. There are also some beverages that inhibit calcium absorption as well, including alcoholic beverages, tea, coffee, including soft drinks that contribute Cause a condition of osteoporosis

Exercise regularly
“Sports is a wonderful medicine.” This is a sentence that we have been familiar with for a long time, which is a sentence that can be used in all eras. Exercises that help build strong bones Is exercise that focuses on carrying body weight Or put on weight such as walking, running, jumping rope or cycling, etc. Should choose the type of exercise to suit our age range. They should exercise at least 3-5 times a week. In addition, they should do at least 15 minutes of sun exposure for at least 2-4 times a week. Times that are not too hot, such as in the morning 6.00-8.00 or in the evening, 4.00-18.00, sunlight will help convert cholesterol in the body to vitamin D.

Control and maintain a healthy weight.
Excess weight will cause our bodies to carry heavy loads and will cause our bones to become weak and easily damaged. However, controlling body weight is not dieting. Because that will prevent us from getting enough nutrients to meet the body's needs, including calcium and vitamin D. Therefore, controlling and choosing the right foods will help you control your weight while still getting enough nutrients for your body.

Take a vitamin D supplement
In some people who are in a depletion state Or really lacking vitamin D The doctor may consider vitamin supplements. The type of vitamin D will depend on the individual patient's condition and suitability.

Around Suannan / What is a "slimming pen"? Can you really make it thin?
« เมื่อ: กุมภาพันธ์ 19, 2021, 03:57:03 pm »

Obesity can lead to many diseases in theslotxo   future, such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia. Hypertension Coronary heart disease As well as increase the risk of developing cancer in the future
Besides diet, exercise and lifestyle adjustments Diet pills are another popular option for people who do not have time to exercise, but their disadvantage is fast heartbeat, insomnia, nervousness, hallucinations, addiction and a return to obesity.
There is now another option, a subcutaneous slimming pen. By using it in conjunction with diet and exercise It was found to reduce weight in the experimental group by more than 10% or at least 5% and the subjects' waist circumference by 8.2 cm during the first 2 months.
Obesity is an unpleasant thing for many people. Especially women Because if you are overweight, you may lose your personality. Lack of confidence Some may suffer from depression. This is why obese people try to find methods such as taking a weight loss course. Slimming Injections to dissolve excess fat, liposuction, surgery to reduce belly and waist size. Gastric bypass surgery Including the use of various weight loss drugs, such as brain hunger pills Drugs to inhibit fat digestion enzymes, etc.

"Overweight" risk of death
People who are overweight There will be more adipose tissue in the body and inserted by internal organs. Causing the work of various systems to be abnormal until various diseases such as

Type 2 Diabetes (Type 2 Diabetes) due to chronic inflammation from fat cells interferes with "Insulin hormone" created from the pancreas. (Controls the sugar level in the body), resulting in insulin resistance. Causing high levels of insulin in the blood Which will stop the breakdown of fat As a result, there is an increase in fat deposits, a bigger belly, and the future threat is diabetes and obesity.
Hyperlipidemia (Dyslipidemia) with abnormal lipid conditions in obesity. Will result in triglyceride levels (Triglyceride) and free fatty acids (Free fatty acid) and lipoprotein type B (ApoB) increase, resulting in arterial inflammation. Lead to cardiovascular disease later
Cardiovascular disease When there is high blood sugar or high blood fat. Causing blood vessels to become inflamed or narrowed The elasticity of the blood vessels is lost. As a result, high blood pressure The heart works harder to pump blood. Faster heartbeat Increased risk of death from ischemic heart disease and ischemic stroke or ruptured.
Chronic obesity This is because excess fat cells stimulate the body to produce an inflammatory chemical called C-RP (C-Reactive Protein). Tell them to know that they are full and formed a large C-RP Leptin Complex. Cannot pass the cortex Thus causing resistance to the hormone "leptin" followed
If there are too many fat cells Leptin hormone or satiety hormone The more it builds up, the more the body becomes more resistant to leptin, which makes it harder for you to eat more.
Cancer It was found that about 25-30% of cancer of the colon, breast (menopause), endometrium. (endometrium) kidney and esophagus Caused by obesity and lack of physical exertion And only 5-10% of your original weight loss will improve your health.

It could be said that obesity is the leading cause of diseases such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia. Hypertension Coronary heart disease As well as increasing the risk of developing cancer in the future

Current diet pills
Besides diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes that are at risk of obesity. Many people turn to drugs. Because there is no time to take care of yourself Or need a shortcut such as brain hunger However, it was found that the negative effect of anti-obesity drug in the brain suppression group. Causing you to not want to eat Will cause the heart to beat faster, squeeze, increase blood pressure Respiratory disturbance, insomnia, anxiety, hallucinations, drug addiction and yo-yo or come back to fat again.

Slimming pen Helping people really are obese?
No one would think that A journalist on the show about the Gila monster, a chameleon native to southern America and can be found in deserts in many countries. Will be bitten until there is hepatitis Nausea and vomiting led to the discovery that Chameleon saliva contains Exendin-4 that has chemical properties similar to human GLP-1 or a group of gut hormones that have hypoglycemic activity. In the beginning it was developed in the form of a drug for diabetics. Which has the ability to regulate blood sugar levels without causing the sugar to drop or flash Can reduce the accumulated sugar or HbA1C in people who like to eat sweet often. And the weight of diabetic patients with obesity decreased by at least 10%.

And in 2014, the US Food and Drug Administration approved a new drug called liraglutide as a subcutaneous injection, administered once a day. Used for reducing milk

Around Suannan / Reduce the risk of “cancer” with the HPV vaccine type 9 strains, both male and female injectable.
« เมื่อ: กุมภาพันธ์ 18, 2021, 03:19:20 pm »

HPV virus HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) the slotxo main cause of cervical cancer. And it is a virus that has more than 100 strains, but about 40 strains cause human disease. The most well known are HPV strains 6 and 11 which cause genital warts and HPV strains 16 and 18 which cause cancers of the genital and rectal organs.

There is currently no cure for HPV virus, so HPV vaccination is important not to be ignored. Especially the HPV vaccine 9 strains to prevent serious diseases. Before it's too late

What is the HPV virus?
Dr. Sangduean Chinda Wichak, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bangkok Hospital, said that the HPV virus HPV (Human Papilloma virus) is a viral DNA obtained from direct contact. From having sex (Sexual Transmission Infection) is divided into two groups: those who are at high risk of causing the cervical cells to change at a pre-cancer stage. Until developing into cancer Which took more than 10 years and a low risk group Can develop genital warts This is a sexually transmitted disease.However, the onset of cancer also depends on the immune system of people with HPV.For example, if the body's immune system is low, it may lead to faster cell development in the pre-cancer stage (less than 10 years). have

How to prevent HPV infection

We can also prevent infection with the HPV virus.

Cervical cancer cell examination PAP Test or HPV Test when found abnormalities in the pre-cancer stage. If found, it will be treated early.
There were originally two vaccines available: the two HPV vaccines (covering strains 16 and 18) and the four HPV vaccines (covering strains 6, 11, 16 and 18). It was developed into nine HPV vaccines that provide a more comprehensive protection against HPV infection and prevent cancer.
Reduce risk behavior for exposure to HPV, such as being careful about having sex. Not changing multiple sexual partners

The 9 HPV vaccine can be administered to both men and women.
The 9-strain HPV vaccine (Human Papillomavirus 9-valent Vaccine) can be administered from 9 to 45 years of age at the appropriate age. It depends on race, age, and first sexual intercourse. Which if you want to prevent to get good performance Should be injected before having sex, for example, in America, starting at age 9, in England, starting at age 11 in Thailand, depending on availability. But most should be injected before the age of having sex.

The vaccine can prevent disease in women aged 9-45 years and prevent the development of pre-cancerous lesions. (Precancerous lesion) of cervical cancer. Vulvar cancer Vaginal cancer Rectal cancer And genital warts, etc.

In men aged 9-45 years help prevent disease. And before cancer lesions (Precancerous lesion) such as rectal cancer. And oral and throat cancer Of rectal cancer And genital warts, etc.

When is it good to get the HPV vaccine?
Because HPV can be transmitted through sex Therefore should be injected before having sex for the first time And the body is at the age of a good immune system Will get the most effective from the vaccine People who are sexually active can be vaccinated. But the efficacy may be reduced with the HPV vaccine. If the first dose is injected before the age of 15, only 2 injections are injected 6-12 months apart, but if the first dose is injected after 15 years of age, 3 doses are injected every 0, 2 and 6 months. Or every 0, 1, and 6 months. The HPV vaccine can be injected in both women and men. But it is contraindicated in pregnant women and people with a history of vaccine allergies. However, the doctor will consider the suitability and need of another vaccination.

How to prevent HPV infection
The best defense is Regular physical examinations every year Women who are sexually active should be screened for cervical cancer. Which if the cancer is detected in the early stages early Will help to be treated promptly Before it becomes malignant later

Around Suannan / Quick check! Who should not drink "mineral water" from ground water?
« เมื่อ: กุมภาพันธ์ 17, 2021, 03:57:44 pm »

People with slotxo underlying diseases such as edema patients, kidney disease patients, and poor heart function. Hypertensive patients People who have secreted large amounts of stomach acid. And patients with respiratory disease with bronchospasm Do not drink mineral water from ground water.
Found "underground mineral water" that can be really drinkable
Dr. Suwanchai, M.D. Wattana Yingcharoenchai Director-General of the Department of Health said that from the case of the Department of Groundwater Resources has surveyed groundwater in the area of ​​Ban Thung Khun. Huai Krachao District Kanchanaburi Found an underground spring that has a special characteristic that is a tingle like soda and a little sweet.

From the preliminary examination of the properties of the groundwater Found to have PH value Or the pH is 6.75 with properties very close to normal water. Did not find any toxic contaminants, but found high bicarbonate content. Which is one of many types of mineral water, such as sulfate mineral water (Sulfate water), sulfate-bicarbonate mineral water. (Sulfate-bicarbonate waters), mineral water, calcium (calcium water).

Marvel at the spring of Kan, the taste is like soda Sheriff Bo Ploy Rut Inspect
Who should not drink "mineral water" from ground water?
Each type will have different benefits and precautions for consumption. For normal people, drinking mineral water is the same as drinking clean water. Does not cause harm to the body But some groups of people are not recommended to drink bicarbonate mineral water as follows.

Patients with edema
Patients with kidney disease
People with poor heart function
Hypertensive patients
People who have secreted large amounts of stomach acid.
Patients with respiratory disease with bronchospasm.

Benefits and harms of bicarbonate mineral water
For normal people who drink mineral water, bicarbonate will stimulate the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine faster. Stimulate the secretion of hormones in the stomach. But people with gastric digestion problems or gastric hypochilia develop bloating in their digestive and intestinal systems. (Sulfate-bicarbonate waters) are useful in the treatment of diabetes. It reduces thirst, sugar levels and reduces insulin requirements.

Even though such groundwater has the physical and chemical properties suitable for the quality criteria for consuming groundwater. But bringing to prepare a water supply system to distribute to people Should have added a disinfection system before distributing to the public as well. This is because they may be contaminated by pathogens during the containment. Or in the water distribution system before reaching the people's household

Mineral water vs gallstones
However, from the doubts about drinking groundwater, it will have gallstones or not. Gallstones are caused by the aggregation of crystals of mineral salts or limestone to form stones. Due to the high concentration of minerals in the urine, such as drinking less water or eating certain foods that are excreted in urine. Which drinking mineral water does not cause stones and does not cause stones. And if anyone does not want to get gallstones, it is recommended to drink more than 8 glasses of water a day, eat a healthy diet with complete nutrition and the right proportion. Avoid foods that are very sweet, very salty, and foods high in uric acid. As well as avoiding foods that are high in oxalates

Around Suannan / "Cancer in children" the leading cause of death Of children and adolescents
« เมื่อ: กุมภาพันธ์ 16, 2021, 04:08:55 pm »

"Cancer" is a terrible disease that no slotxo one wants to face, especially "cancer in children", invites parents, relatives, and friends. Were suffering to see the little boy suffer from the symptoms of the disease And on the International Day of Child Cancer Let's get to know what causes cancer in children, what are the causes, symptoms and treatment?

Sanook Health has good information from Dr. Kwannuch Srikala, Pediatrician, Prince Ubon Ratchathani Hospital, about these symptoms. If this happened to your child For timely examination and treatment Increase the likelihood of healing

Causes of Cancer in Children
Pediatric cancer Is a cancer that affects the child in the womb of the mother Until the age of 15 years, often due to the mutation of growing cells. But there are factors such as environmental, infection, pesticides, toxins contaminating drinking water Maternal consumption while pregnant And high doses of certain types of radiation in children are often found in 1 in 10 of all adult cancers. With leukemia more than 50 percent, followed by brain cancer, lymphoma And adrenal cancer Which pediatric cancer is the leading cause of death Of children and adolescents

Stage of cancer in children
There are four stages of cancer in children.The symptoms are different for each type of cancer, such as fever, pale, unusual bleeding, lumps, lumps, and weakness, which are often the same as the general illness, but often have certain characteristics. Requires physical examination Laboratory examination To help with diagnosis The stages of each type of cancer in children vary in detail, and generally they can be divided into four stages, just like adults.

Common early symptoms of childhood cancer
For the initial symptoms that are most often found

Palpable lumps that are painless in the neck, armpits, or groin
Night sweats
Back pain, leg pain, joint pain, headache
Easy bruising or bleeding
Enlarged lymph nodes
Have a fever for no other cause
Enlarged liver or spleen
Loss of appetite, weight loss
Scurvy Or have melon spots on the skin
Weak body Have frequent infections

Common childhood cancers
There are both the same types of cancer in adults and different types from adults. But most of the time, almost all cancer types are different from those in adults. Leukemia Which found more than 50 percent of all cancers Brain cancer Lymphoma Adrenal Cancer However, over the years the treatment of cancer in children in Thailand has improved a lot. The treatment results are quite good, close to foreign countries. And when compared to countries in that same region, Thailand has performed better.

How to Treat Cancer in Children High intensity But can be cured
Cancer in children can be treated in the same way as the treatment for adult cancer: surgery and chemotherapy. Bone marrow transplantation and radiation, but the doctor will choose which method Depending on the stage of the cancer Response to chemotherapy The type of cancer Cancer organs, child's age and physical health of the child Which cancers in children are often very severe But can be cured

Carcinogenic Risk Factors
Currently, the exact cause of cancer is unknown. Therefore, it should be avoided from various risk factors. Or carcinogens from food, drinking water and the environment around them, especially mothers who are pregnant should avoid carcinogens such as prepackaged food, cigarettes and alcohol and keep observing the child. Immediately see a doctor

Although the exact cause of cancer in children is not yet known. But if it is detected early, it will help to have a chance of survival. Returned to the arms of the family as before Therefore, parents should take care of their children. Take it to the doctor when there is an abnormality. Including staying away from all of the above risk factors If you find your child is at risk, they should see a doctor for a procedure.

Around Suannan / Treat diabetes and delay aging with 5 benefits from royal jelly
« เมื่อ: กุมภาพันธ์ 15, 2021, 03:51:03 pm »

Besides, women will also know the benefits of slotxo honey that can be used for medicinal purposes and for beauty purposes. There is still royal jelly that we want women to Got to know Because the benefits of royal jelly are claimed to be more than honey. Follow us to see the benefits. That can be obtained from royal jelly

What is royal jelly

Royal Jelly, also known as Royal Jelly, is a product produced from the hopopharynx glands of worker bees. Liquid It has a milky white color, sweet taste and a slight sour smell. The royal jelly is a staple food for the queen bees and bee larvae that are used to stimulate their growth. In addition, royal jelly has the ability to help make the queen bee bigger and prettier than other bees. It also helped the queen bee live 20 times longer than worker bees. And nowadays, royal jelly has been further developed into drugs, food supplements, and many more nourishing creams. For your part, other benefits Received from royal jelly that girls You shouldn't miss it.

1. Help balance hormones of women.
This is because royal jelly is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, sugar and amino acids as well as HDA fatty acids. Which of these nutrients are all affecting the growth of the body. And more importantly, there is also a substance that is acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter. It is responsible for the senses and mechanisms of the brain. And there are also sex hormones like testosterone, progesterone, etc.

2. Relieve menopausal symptoms
Menopausal symptoms result in symptoms such as vaginal dryness, itching, or vaginal burning. And feel pain while having sex Which can be alleviated by the use of creams that contain royal jelly. Since most lubricants are used only temporarily. While the royal jelly cream is more effective

3. Treat diabetes and nourish hair.
Royal Jelly contains phenolic compounds that are responsible for antioxidants. Contains proteins that help fight bacteria. And contains HDA fatty acids that help fight microorganisms It is a substance that all stimulates the immune system. Along with the treatment of diabetes It can also stimulate hair growth.

4. Reduce the level of fat in the blood.
In royal jelly, there are medium-chain fatty acids. Including compounds that have properties that help reduce blood fat. And reduce risk factors that may lead to cardiovascular disease It also lowers the levels of bad cholesterol. Along with helping to increase the level of good cholesterol instead

5. Relieve pain before menstruation (PMS).
Women who often have abdominal pain before menstruation. Can alleviate such symptoms by consuming 1,000 milligrams of royal jelly per day will help improve symptoms during menstruation.

Besides, royal jelly provides various benefits. As we have said above Royal Jelly is also considered an elixir that helps in anti-aging. Help your skin shine bright. It also has properties for wound healing as well.

Around Suannan / Researchers suggest that the "full moon" may affect human sleep.
« เมื่อ: กุมภาพันธ์ 14, 2021, 03:44:58 pm »

New research on human sleep and moonlight slotxo  Found that natural light at night Before the full moon affects the hours of going to bed.

Researchers at the University of Washington say that as the full moon approaches. Humans go to bed more slowly and spend less time sleeping than usual.

The results of this study, published in the journal Science Advances, collected sleep data of 98 people during the period of two completely fluctuating lunar cycles. Which takes each round for 29 and a half days

These samples are in Argentina. Divided into three communities Of the Toba people, which are local people Each community has different levels of access to electricity.

During that time The researchers measured the sleep levels of the three groups. And found the data measured from the wrist wear device This indicated that participants slept an average of 52 minutes less during the night approaching the full moon. By going to bed about half an hour later than usual

And people spend the shortest time to sleep On the night approaching the full moon three to five days

This research and past studies have both found that Communities with low electricity consumption will be significantly affected by the full moon.

Scientists did another study. By collecting information from University students in the metropolitan area Is Seattle, Washington, in the United States, and met like that The full moon affects human sleep in the same way as sample research in Argentina.

Experts say that other factors could influence human sleep on the near full moon, experts say. To find an explanation in the story Individual physical factors and influence of social parameters in each community on sleep.

Around Suannan / 4 good reasons to eat whole "apples"
« เมื่อ: กุมภาพันธ์ 12, 2021, 03:45:02 pm »

Share knowledge about health, disease, illness How slotxo to exercise Weight loss tips For good health Stay and eat delicious food for a long time.

There are two types of people who eat apples. It is a type of both eating and peeling, and many people prefer peeled. Because they tasted the touch of an apple with a softer, softer tongue But in fact, eating the whole apple Although I could feel a slight harshness from the bark But has a lot more benefits to the body

Dr. Thidakan Rujipattanakul or Dr. Ping, a specialist in dermatology and anti-aging medicine Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital stated on the Pleasehealth Books page that when we ate the peeled apples What nutrients are missing from apples?

4 good reasons to eat whole "apples"
Reduced dietary fiber Peeled apples have a 50% reduction in dietary fiber, with dietary fiber helping to reduce sugar, blood fat and maintain the digestive system's efficiency.

Vitamin C is reduced by more than half. In the peeled apples There will be up to 40% of vitamin C by vitamin to help strengthen the immune function. Nourishes the skin to be radiant and bright.

Vitamin A was almost halved. Peeled apples There will be up to 40% vitamin A reduced by vitamin A to nourish the eyes. Increase immunity Strengthens bones, teeth and nails.

Quercetin nutrients are missing Quercetin nutrients help reduce the risk of dementia. Is a nutrient in the apple peel Therefore, peeling the apples left. Thus making this nutrient disappear as well
How to safely eat whole apples
Another reason people prefer to eat peeled apples. Because there is concern about fertilizer and pesticide residues As well as other chemicals Used in farming So anyone who wants to turn to eat an apple and peel together. Should wash the apples clean. Both washing through the tap water with strong running water Or choose an apple that is grown organically From trusted manufacturers There is an organic mark on the product label.

Around Suannan / Is "hemorrhoids" at risk of "colon cancer"?
« เมื่อ: กุมภาพันธ์ 11, 2021, 02:59:10 pm »

As the news appeared in various media About the slotxo sue "Is hemorrhoids colon cancer risk" Department of Medicine by the National Cancer Institute Conducted a fact check that Having hemorrhoids does not increase colon cancer risk.
What is hemorrhoids?
Dr. Somsak Akasil, Director-General of the Medical Department, said that hemorrhoids are a disease caused by veins, anus, or the tip of the large intestine with a swollen, bulging protrusion from the anus. It can be categorized into 2 types: internal hemorrhoids. The rectal tissue is higher than the rectal sphincter. And external hemorrhoids The lower rectal area has a protrusion from the anus.

Hemorrhoids increase colon cancer risk?
However, hemorrhoids are not the cause of colon cancer. The factors that increase the risk of colon cancer are low-fiber foods. Grilled and smoked food Eating red meat Processed meat on a regular basis As well as lack of exercise, smoking and drinking, etc.

Colon Cancer Symptoms
Dr. Chinda Rojanamethin, director of the National Cancer Institute Added that Common symptoms of the disease include

The defecation contains bloody mucus or may be transfused with fresh blood.
Have constipation and diarrhea
Defecate often / not the most
The size of the stool is smaller.
Abdominal pain, abdominal cramps, bloating, colic

How to reduce the risk of colon cancer
Colon and rectal cancer is a formidable disease. But it is considered a preventable disease We just avoid risk factors. Adjust the eating habits to be nutritious and diverse Always observe yourself that the excretion is normal or not. If an abnormality is found, consult your doctor. In addition, colon and rectal cancer can be screened early. This makes the treatment more effective and less costly.

Around Suannan / What Causes Yellow Nails? How to be cured
« เมื่อ: กุมภาพันธ์ 10, 2021, 03:26:28 pm »

Yellow nails is a symptom that can slotxo occur with girls. Who likes to paint nails as a soul And caused by other health problems such as diabetes, but how do you know that the yellow toenail is that? The cause And what should I do when I have yellow nails? Today we have the answer for each other.

Causes of Yellow Nails

1. Nail polish Girls who polish their nails if they use poor quality nail polish products. It does not contain UV protection agents or apply nail polish without priming the nails first. It will cause problems with yellow nails. Because nail polish will destroy the internal nail tissue Causing yellow nails to follow

2. Diabetes for people who have not painted their nails. But has yellow nails The cause may come from that you are suffering from diabetes. Because there is too much sugar in the body Causing sugar to combine with collagen and protein in the nails As a result, the nails are yellow. In addition to yellow nails There are also other symptoms, such as weakness, tiredness, and frequent urination.

However, besides diabetes, there are other factors. That can cause yellowing of the toenails such as heavy smoking, lymphatic disease, thyroid disease, liver and kidney disease, vitamin E deficiency, fungal infection under the nail, etc.

How to cure yellow nails

Girls who find themselves with yellow nails Can be solved by the following simple methods

1. Solve yellow nails with warm water and lemon.
Soak your nails in warm water for 10 minutes, then rest your nails for 2-3 minutes and then rub the lemon onto your nails, rest the nails for another 5 minutes, then rinse. It will help relieve yellow nails.

2. Fix yellow nails with lemon and baking soda.
Mix the lime and baking soda together until it forms a thick paste. Then apply the nail mask and leave it for 15 minutes and rinse it to make nails stronger. More moist

3. Correct yellow nails with bleach toothpaste
Whitening toothpaste that makes the teeth whiter. Can be used to bleach nails to make them white. With the introduction of toothpaste squeezed onto the nails Leave the mask or scrub around 5-10 minutes and rinse.

4. Eat foods with calcium.
Especially dairy foods, yogurt, spinach, nuts, eggs, oysters and small fish, etc., all of which have properties of calcium that will help maintain healthy nails. And have a normal nail color

Yellow nails can occur, it can be resolved. It depends on the cause. If it is from the use of poor quality nail polish remover, it can be taken out of this method that we can use to fix it. But if caused by other health problems You should seek advice from your doctor to determine the appropriate and correct course of treatment. Will be the best

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